Strategi Pengembangan Komoditas Hortikultura Di Kabupaten Sukabumi

Strategi Pengembangan Komoditas Hortikultura Di Kabupaten Sukabumi


  • Widia Sarah Az-zahra Putri , Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • A Faroby Falatehan IPB
  • Dina Lianita Sari Institut Pertanian Bogor



hortikulture, Shift Share (SS), Location Quotient (LQ), productivity of agricultural sector


The potential of the agricultural sector and government support can open up opportunities to boost the economy in Sukabumi District. Local governments are given the authority to choose policy priorities, which can be done through determining sectors, commodities and areas of excellence. This study aims to analyze the performance of the agricultural sector, analyze the potential of the agricultural sector and several horticultural commodities as the basis (superior)  


and analyze the development of superior horticultural commodities based on the base area (superior) in Sukabumi District. This research uses Shift Share (SS) analysis method, Location Quotient (LQ) analysis and SLQ and DLQ analysis. The results show that the performance of the agricultural sector in the economic profile of Sukabumi District is in quadrant IV, which means that the agricultural sector has slow growth, but has good competitiveness when compared to the same sector in West Java Province. The agricultural sector is included in the basic sector in Sukabumi District. This shows that the role of the agricultural sector in the economy of Sukabumi District is greater than the role of this sector in the economy of West Java Province. The main horticultural commodities are long beans, cucumber, banana, papaya, ginger, dracaena, and tuberose. The base area for superior horticultural commodities for vegetable crops is in 32 districts, fruit plants in 31 districts, biopharmaca plants in five districts, and ornamental plants in four districts.


